Tuesday, July 1, 2008

God knows...

Sunday morning I woke up early, got the kids ready, and prepared to go to church just like any other Sunday. All morning long, I had that weird, "you're not doing what you said you'd be doing" feeling. But it was church?!?!? I had to go....didn't I?

The caffeine withdrawal headaches were in full swing by Sunday. My mother said several times, "Are you sure you feel like going?" I said, "Yes. I'm fine." Then there was drama with Tyra's skirt, CJ insisted on wearing a shirt, tie, and jacket (it's still summer in the midwest), and Jada said that she hates socks with the ruffles. My mother said, "Toni, it's allright if we don't go." I replied, "No....I'm am giving up caffeine in order to be closer to the Lord. The least I can do is go to church and tell him about it!" Feel free to laugh, it sounds just as silly for me to write that I actually said that and believed it.

We get ready, we are running late of course, and we make it down to my mother's car in the garage, and guess what.....she has a flat tire! My car was about 4 blocks away at another garage for long term parking, but because we were already late, there's no way we had time to walk to get it and get to church...especially since our church here starts at 10:30 a.m. and promptly ends at noon. So much for our southern Sunday lifestyle of staying in church all day. (I didn't realize I had gotten used to that!) :)
Once we made it back inside, I decided to take photos of the kids (possible holiday cards...they looked to cute), and here they are:

So after I took photos, what did I do? I changed clothes and went back to bed...after I said a promise to the Lord that I would do better at following His instructions.

1 comment:

Christie@tisbutaseason said...

remember that omnipotent, omniscious, omnipresent stuff we learn in Sunday School....?? He knows! ;-)